More New Predictions!

12-19-2012, Updated: 12-20-12

Do you have a job in this "group of industries"?:

Food prices... up 48%. Energy prices... up 23%. Wheat... up 74%. Gas prices... up 68%. What will be next? Is there an end in sight?

A Couple of Quotes from Fox News Reports:

"Thousands of Americans are rushing to their local gun stores to buy high-powered rifles and ammunition in a bid to thwart a potential assault weapons ban in the wake of last week’s Connecticut school massacre....."

"... At a Cincinnati gun show, "sales were through the roof on Saturday" Joe Eaton of Ohio’s Buckeye Firearms Association told the network...."

Predictions by Cheri Mancuso:
  • Prices for everything we buy on a daily basis will continue to rise in 2013. As a result of lagging sales, businesses will be forced to layoff employees to stay in business.

  • Several months ago I predicted that assault weapons would be banned in the Obama years. I do feel that Americans are also facing a future ban on regular hand guns, as well. This will probably happen in the next 3 years as the White House will make it harder for average citizens to buy guns and ammunition. The background checks necessary to buy future hand guns will become much stricter.
  • Obama will use his Executive Order Power to ban the guns until legislation can be put into place.
  • I also predicted that the US will be headed towards another Civil War before 2016.
  • I also predicted that some States will want to break completely from the Union.
  • We're headed for some earthquakes in California soon and my prediction of an 8.0 earthquake from Baja Mexico through the California coast up through Washington and Oregon could take place. If this is the earthquake of my past prediction, it will start under the Pacific Ocean and clash with the Indian Ocean causing the 8.0 and tsunami in California. Hardest hit areas wil be San Diego, Los Angeles and up the Pacific Coastline through Monterrey, California. It will be centered along the Pacific Coast Highway and up and under the 22 East freeway in Tustin, Newport, Inglewood and Garden Grove in Orange County California.
  • Unfortunately we will hear of more mass shootings as jobs become scarcer and businesses start laying more people off from 2013 through 2016.
  • We will continue to see problems with the implementation of Obamacare especially as we see more doctors retiring or quitting their practices altogether. Young medical students will not be interested in becoming MD's in the future. Our healthcare will be taken over primarily by nurse practitioners in the future.
  • Medicare will go up in cost for Seniors already on it.
  • There will be less care provided under Obamacare for heart surgeries and the treatment of Stage Three and Four cancer patients.
  • There will be fewer surgeries overall approved under Obamacare and there will be very long waiting periods to get approval for critical surgeries.

  • More aging Seniors will be trying to figure out a way to stay in their homes longer as they continue to age.
  • The cost of Home Care Services will go up significantly as more care givers than ever will be needed.

  • Since 12-21-12 is days away I am reminded of a vision I had in 1987 while practicing trance work. I saw a UFO hovering over the capital cities of every country in the world in July of 2012. I did not know a thing about the end of the Mayan Calendar on 12-21-12 at that time. I felt that the Extra Terrestrial beings in the UFO's were friendly and that they were here to guide us. Could this be what is in store for us on or after 12-21-12? To view some of my other older predictions go to: .

My December 12/12/12 Predictions are here for 2013!

As you know, we've been having a lot of debates over our so-called Fiscal Cliff.
1.  In the United States, the fiscal cliff is a term used to refer to the economic effects that could result in tax increases, spending cuts and a corresponding reduction.
  • We will not go over the cliff. The White House will come to an agreement about the increase of taxes but the agreement will not be good for the economy and businesses.
  • President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner will not be in agreement with raising taxes on the wealthy.
  • The taxes starting  January 2013 will increase for the wealthy but will go up for everyone later in 2013. President Obama will increase taxes every year that he's in office.
  • Obama will use his " Executive Order Privileges " more times during the next 4 years than the past four years and will basically bi pass Congress as if they didn't exist.
  • Obama will bring down the economy in 2013 & we will be facing another recession during the next 2 years.
2.  Susan Rice will not be Secretary of State
3  Hilary Clinton will not stay in Politics. She wants out!
4. The Obama administration orchestrated a "cover-up" of the events that led to the Sept. 11 attack on the US Libyan Consulate.
Quote; "Is it just a coincidence that several four-star generals and a two-star admiral get the axe or resign in disgrace within  the space of less than a month? Do any of these have anything to do with the administration's Benghazi scandal?"
5. Answer is " Yes ".

6. The White House is also covering up " Fast & Furious

7. In 2013 we will see the " real " side of President Obama

8.  Businesses will continue to chop their employees. Jobs will fall for Americans. Massive layoffs will start around March of 2013.

9. Gold  and Silver will continue to rise.

10.  The Stock Market will decline overall in 2013

11. Housing values will continue to fall.

        *We're in trouble during 2012 - 2016!

"The Egyptian Army is the largest service branch within the Egyptian Armed Forces, and is the largest army in the Arab World, and Africa.

According to the Times, “The Fatah movement controls the West Bank, which Israel still occupies, and the rivalry between the two groups is the defining principle of Palestinian politics, despite continuing efforts by Egypt to bring about a reconciliation.”
My Prediction;
The Middle east will go to war and Egypt will become a total Islamic Country. More Christians will move from Egypt. Civil War in Egypt will erupt in 2013.

October 20, 2012 Predictions

As we come closer to the Presidential Election to be held on November 6, 2012 I find that people are becoming more and more concerned about the path that our country is going to take after the election is over. Due to the increase of these concerns from my clients I have taken extra time to ask my guides to give me clear and unbiased answers to these concerns. These predictions are not coming from me personally. They are based on what my guides have shown me. Even though I am not 100 per cent accurate, I feel that these predictions are going to prove to be very accurate. Please feel free to leave comments to which I will reply to as soon as I am able. Don't forget to view the video here that was taped during one of my "Psychic Nights" at my home. You can do so by clicking the Video Prediction link located at the top of this page.

1. The last Presidential Debate on Monday, October 22, 2012 will end in a close tie between both candidates. Romney and Obama wil be even more aggressive towards one another than they were in the last debate. The millions of people who will be watching the debate will be sitting on the edge of their seats in anticipation of the contentiousness between both men.

2. The Presidential Election will be very close in some key states causing a recount in one or more of them.

3. Following the inauguration of Mitt Romney as President of the United States he will develop new diplomatic relations with all of Europe, Israel and some of the Middle Eastern countries.

4. The Republican Party will gain control of both houses of Congress and, as a result of the renewed public faith in congress to enact legislation, the Gross Domestic Product will begin to increase substantially in 2013.

5. Corporations will begin an expansion phase after the election and will start to spend the money that they have been holding back.

6. At the same time, American banks will begin to loan more and more of the money that they have been holding in reserve.

7. A large number of new jobs will be created in the US during the first year after the Presidential Election.

8. The investigation of Fast and Furious will be re-opened in 2013.

9. The deaths of our Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and the other 3 men who were murdered by terrorists in Libya will continue to be focused on in both houses of Congress after the Presidential Election in 2012.

10. The price of Silver will double in the next five years.

11. The real estate market will rise slowly and will be healthier by 2015. It will never be as profitable as it once was due to the lack of faith and trust in it by the American people.

12. The balance of trade between the US and the rest of the world will be restored as a result of trade sanctions imposed during President Romney's term in office.

September 2, 2012 Predictions

The Presidenial Election is on everyone's mind so I have asked my Guides to give me some indication as to who is most likely to win.
My predictions:

1. Mitt Romney will be elected the new President in November 2012.

2. Hillary Clinton will not run for President in 2016

3. The Senate & House will be controlled by Republican's in 2013

4. President Obama will eventually be living in Europe within 5 years after he leaves office

 The Election is primarily going to be decided on the economy so here goes:

1. Economy will continue to struggle in 2013 and the housing market will continue to decline

2. Gold and silver will go down by the end of October 2012

3. The stock market will go up from September 2, 2012 to September 10, 2012

4. Hydraulic Fracking will become the # 1 topic in the USA this next year. Private land owners will be asked to lease their land so gas drilling can be conducted.

5. The jobs market on Friday 9/8/2012 will shown a decline.

6. The new unemployment rate will be at 8.4 %

July 2012 Predictions by Cheri Mancuso

July 2, 2012 Predictions

1. Eric Holder will be held in contempt over the Fast & Furious issue.

Gun politics in the United States has long been among the most controversial issues in  the United States.The debate regarding both the restriction and availability of firearms within the United States has been characterized by a stalemate between an individual right to bear arms based on the second amendment of the US constitution and the responsibility of government to prevent crime, maintain order and protect the well being of its citizens.

2. The Fast & Furious Investigation is going to continue to invade the air waves through the Media showing that the White House had more knowledge than they are admitting. Knowing the gun running operation was not only illegal, but a conspiracy was put  together to try & oust  " an individual right to bear arms based on the second amendment of the US constitution. If guns ended up in Mexico, the American Government could say that the guns are now out of control & the Government needs to take away our "right to bear arms " but the Fast & Furious got out of control & an Agent got killed & it back fired.

3. Americans will be moving out of major cities like California, New York State & Massachusetts etc. because of higher taxes that are go into effect after January 1, 2013. Businesses and everyday citizens will be moving to smaller communities & States with No Income Tax such as:Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, New Hampshire (except tax on income from interest and dividends), Tennessee (except tax on income from interest and dividends)We will start to hear on the news of mass exoduses in the next few months. 

June 2012 Predictions by Cheri Mancuso

June 25, 2012

1. Egypt will have more uprisings over their Presidential election of the Muslim brotherhood around the first or second week of of July.
Fights between the military and the Brotherhood will cause more turmoil in the Middle-East.

2. More Scandals with the Obama White House over Fast & Furious will come up in July. Eric Holder will be held in contempt over the Fast & Furious issue.

3. The Supreme Court will announce that the Obamacare mandate is not constitutional to force everyone to buy Health Insurance. I feel that some things will be divided in the 2200 page healthcare bill. The announcement will come this month June 2012 or the first week in July 2012.

Note: On this prediction, I was 1/2 correct. The Supreme Court did uphold the mandate but stated it to be a Tax , not a penalty. As a penalty or fine, it would not be constitutional.
The requirement that Americans purchase health insurance cannot be upheld under the Commerce Clause but can stand as a tax. Since it is called a Tax and surprised everyone, the mandate was never considered to be called a tax so my prediction can't be held either to be wrong or right. I did say that portions of the Obamacare would be kept so I was 1/2 correct

June  4, 2012

1. What are the dangers facing the euro-zone in 2012 and what effects could it have on the global economy? 
 Greece will have to leave the euro and other EU members might have to follow. 

2. Are we related to Big Foot or the Yeti ?

Years ago I made the prediction that we're related to ET's and that ET's started a colony here on earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. That we evolved not only from the Ocean starting our as sea creatures possibly in the fish family and then onto land but evolving into the Ape in later times. ET came along and started a half ape & half ET by medically implanting their seed into the Ape, & Orangutan (red haired ape).   I have always said we are also related to the Neanderthals (I was right! Scientists announced that finding about 9 months ago) they always said “we weren't  " related to Neanderthals.
Here's another prediction to # 2 We are related to the Yeti and Big Foot.  A UK-Swiss team is about to use DNA testing to investigate the origins of remains claimed to be from yeti and Bigfoot.

Many cultures relate legends of hairy, humanoid creatures that lurk in the wilds, rarely seen. But material claimed to be from such creatures have never been subjected to modern scientific techniques.
Eyewitness reports:

A 1951 expedition to Mount Everest famously returned with photographs of giant footprints in the snow, fuelling speculation about giant Himalayan creatures, unknown to science.
Since then, many eye-witness reports of such creatures have emerged from remote regions of the world.
These humanoid beasties are variously known as the "yeti" or "migoi" in the Himalayas, "bigfoot" or "sasquatch" in North America, "almasty" in the Caucasus Mountains and "orange pendek" in Sumatra, but there are many others.

3. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s Recall Election
Will he remain the Republican Governor in Wisconsin?
Gov. Scott Walker will win the recall election on Tuesday June 5, 2012 against Democrat opponent
Scott Walker won the election!

4.Who is Mitt Romney considering for Vice President ?
I'm going to give 3 Vice Presidential Picks for consideration

Allen West Republican from Florida
Congressman Allen West was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia in the same neighborhood where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once preached
West served in the United States Army for more than 20 years of active duty service, including several combat deployments in Iraq. He achieved the rank of lieutenant colonel. After leaving the military he and his family moved to Florida where he taught high school for a year and worked for a defense contractor, including in Afghanistan as a civilian adviser to the Afghan National Army.  West served in the United States Army for more than 20 years of active duty service, including several combat deployments in Iraq.

Marco Rubio - Elected to the House January 25, 2000, reelected subsequently
Procedures & Policy 2004-2006
Speaker 2006-2008
On November 2, 2010, Marco Rubio won the senatorial election with 48.9% of the vote to Crist's 29.7% and DemocratKendrick Meek's 20.1%. On May 20, 2011, Marco Rubio visited Puerto Rico's governor, Luis Fortuño, and made a statement of wanting to "represent the Puerto Ricans" since he already felt he owed those who had voted for him in the Florida election
Following his victory in the elections, Rubio soon became the subject of speculation as a potential GOP candidate for the presidential election of 2012   Rubio stated shortly after taking office that he has no interest in running for president or vice president in 2012.
Chris Christie 
Christopher James "ChrisChristie (born September 6, 1962) is the 55th and current Governor of New Jersey.

Christie is the 55th and current Governor of New Jersey. Upon his election to the governorship in November 2009, Christie became the first Republican to win a statewide election in New Jersey in 12 years

Prediction  Came True
Obama's poll ratings will show a downward trend as the unemployment rate continues to move down and more persons stop looking for work. States will report the economy is getting worse. 

Question in polls If Presidential Election was held today, who would you vote for
Just announced on CNN & Fox News
Ratings today were 48 % for Mitt Romney
44 % for President Obama

June 13, 2012 Prediction
Mitt Romney will pick Marco Rubio for Vice President

May 2012 Predictions by Cheri Mancuso

May 28, 2012

1. The World will form a Universal Banking system. All countries that
join will have a Universal Membership  and will be eligible for future
funding of major corporations in crisis. This will be accomplished by
the end of 2013

2. Gold & silver will continue to fall slightly in price over the month
of June. Profitable future investments will be gold & most metals,
construction materials, water, fisheries, timber and raw land.

3. Tight restrictions on killing nature’s wildlife will go into effect
Globally. Countries will come together to help save nature. New policies & programs will be put into place to help poorer undeveloped countries around the world; Developed countries will focus
on helping these countries get back on their feet with food, medicine, fuel, Real Estate, Global Warming, Inflation & farming.

 May 14th, 2012

 John Edwards " Guilty or Not Guilty That is the question. The heart of the case against Edwards is the charge that he used campaign funds to cover up his affair - that Edwards violated federal campaign-finance law by using nearly $1 million in campaign funds to help hide his pregnant mistress while he was running for President.

My prediction is that while everyone pretty much is disgusted with what John Edwards did while running for President & know he was wrong. My Guides have shown me he will get off as " Not Guilty. If he is charged with a lesser crime I can't be sure, but I don't see him going to jail.
and Not Guilty it was

Not Guilty verdict came in on May 31, 2012 of “did John Edwards use 2008 campaign Funds to hide his affair and that Edwards violated federal campaign-finance law by using nearly $1 million in campaign funds to help hide his pregnant mistress while he was running for President.

2. Will Greece need another election to form a Government ?
My prediction is yes in the month of June 2012

3. Possible earthquake 5.6 or more in the Los Angeles area within the next week
LA area had a 4.1 in the Malibu area

May 7th, 2012

1. My weekly prediction for the stock market will be moving down for most of May 7, 2012 to May 13, 2012
came true!

2. Obama's poll ratings will show a downward trend as the unemployment rate continues to move down and more persons stop looking for work. States will report the economy is getting worse.

3.  The Presidential election will continue to get more negative as both parties Democrats & Republicans become more distant from the American people. The American voters are going to take back America in the November 2012 election . After the November 2012 election, a 3rd major political party will emerge and America will have a three party system.

4. The Real Estate market will continue to go down & will not recover for years but it will never be what it was. Real Estate loans will be harder for private citizens to qualify for.  The American people will no longer consider " home ownership " to be a solid investment. Wall Street will also lose its clout & power.

 5. UFO's will make themselves known in 2012

April 2012 Predictions by Cheri Mancuso

April 9, 2012

1. George Zimmerman will end up being indicted by the Florida prosecutor for Manslaughter in the death of Trayvon Martin

2. Iran already has nuclear weapons.
Just in - this is true!

3. The Supreme Court has already decided that the mandate requiring every American to buy health insurance or pay fines enforced by the IRS is unconstitutional. They will announce this decision in the last week of May. The entire Obamacare bill will not stand without the mandate.

4. The booming sounds that shake the ground in Clintonville, WI and elsewhere are being caused by a major shifting of our planet, Earth. The tectonic plates are slowly moving and this will eventually cause more earthquakes and Tsunamis, especially in coastal areas in 2012.

April 16, 2012
1. France will name a new President Francois Hollande soon.
This came true!

2. A Bosnian immigrant accused of plotting to bomb New York's subway system as an "al Qaeda terrorist," will be found  “Guilty " and given a " Life Sentence ' in a NY prison

3. Zimmerman's 2nd degree murder charge will be reduced to " Manslaughter " in the Trayvon Martin death.

4. The USA credit rating will be down-graded again to an A+

April 21, 2012 Update regarding my prediction about Francois Hollande
Socialist Francois Hollande and President Nicolas Sarkozy progressed to the second round of France’s presidential election as a record vote for the anti- immigrant National Front left the contest open.
Hollande got 28.4 percent of the first round of voting and Sarkozy won 25.5 percent, according to polling company Ipsos.  Read more about it here: Sarkozy, Hollande Progress as Poll Shows Le Pen Wins 20% of Vote

April 30th, 2012

Rielle Hunter, John Edwards' former mistress and mother of his now 4-year-old child, has yet to appear at the candidate's criminal conspiracy trial in Greensboro, N.C., which is nearing the end of its second week.
1.  Prediction - John Edwards will be found " Not Guilty " for using Campaign Funds for his Mistress.
Just in - this is true!

More than 100 former NFL players have filed a federal lawsuit in Atlanta claiming that pro football didn't properly protect its players from concussions.
The plaintiffs in the lawsuit include former Atlanta Falcon Jamal Anderson, ex-Georgia star Lindsey Scott and veteran quarterback Don Majkowski.
2. Prediction-  NFL Stars who filed a lawsuit against the NFL for " concussions " will win their lawsuit.
Eight agents have left the Secret Service since the scandal broke,

3.  More Secret Service & Military men will be exposed in the coming weeks for using prostitutes while on duty. The White House is about to be exposed for more " Wild " parties using tax payer money.

4. The Chicago cop Drew Peters will " make a deal " with the prosecution and admit Guilt.

5. Presidential Candidate -  Greek conservative leader Antonis Samaras will win the May 6, 2012 presidential election
Since the Greek elections came to a tie on May 6th - the verdict is still out on this...stay tuned

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