Multiple Visions for Missing Malaysian Flight MH-370
March 22, 2014:
I have waited to post these visions in order to give myself
enough time to interpret all of what I have seen. This has been a very
difficult process. I hope I have interpreted them correctly. The bulk of these
visions were recorded and time-stamped on video.
March 8, 2014:
I saw an arc divided into 2 halves over a map with 5 circles
on each side. I felt it could represent two different countries where the
Malaysian Airliner may be located. The 5 circles on each side could also represent
5 people in each country or province involved. It may also represent the 5
countries that surround the Red Sea on two sides as I saw a strip of water
separating the two groups of countries. Note that Israel is one of the countries in the right side of the circle. It is marked with a blue number 1. Were they a target for the Malaysian Boeing 777 hijackers or was this a dry run and they will be a target in the future? I'm not sure.
Either way, I felt there was a political motivation behind the plane's disappearance. I have felt from the beginning that the 2 Pilots were forced to turn off the plane's transponder and forced to divert the plane onto a different
course. I do feel that the plane had terrorists aboard.
March 9, 2014:
I saw in my vision that a beam of light coming from a small
island surrounded by water (ocean) that was sending either a signal to the
plane, which could be a laser or landing beacon directing the plane to
a landing strip or to a guide a missile to blow up the plane. I feel that it was a missile
that blew up the plane.
I believe this vision seen on the same night is very
important: I saw a derailment of a train and knew my Guides were saying
whoever derailed the train in China a few weeks ago that killed 27 people are
also involved with the disappearance of Flight MH-370. The March 1st attack by
Uighur Muslims killed 33 and wounded 143 passengers at the Kunming railway
station in southern China. Both
assaults appear to have Al Qaeda’s terrorist trademark of attacking symbolic
public venues to inflict highly media-visible casualties.
March 10, 2014:
I saw an initial “A” in a vision. This could mean more than
one thing. When I see something in a vision it can provide several messages in
one. This could mean that the group or groups involved could have some
affiliation to Al Qaeda and/or that they are Asian.
March 12, 2014:
I saw a silver haired older woman of Chinese or Malaysian
ancestry in shock swallowing pills (suicide attempt) while a picture of her
deceased husband was shown behind her. A picture of her son looking up at the sky was on my right (I knew he was deceased). He was also of Asian
descent and about 30 years old. I knew the mother was now alone with no one to
care for her and she wanted to die,
March 18, 2014:
I saw that the Boeing 777 was trying to either land on a small runway somewhere in the ocean or was out of fuel and descended into the ocean. This vision confused me as I saw that a missile blew up Flight MH-370 in a vision on March 9, 2014.
March 20, 2014 and last night, March 21, 2014:
I once again saw the plane in the water. Sadly I feel
everyone on board died after the plane went up to 45,000 feet and then dropped
suddenly to 23,000 feet. If the oxygen was turned off and the passengers
couldn't breathe they would have died within minutes. I feel this was
deliberately done to gain control over the airplane without any
interference from passengers.
I still feel that at least one of the Pilots were either in on the hijacking or were forced to do what the hijackers ordered them to do. I feel that the hijacking was a "test run" for a later bombing but it went wrong.
I saw the plane again break up into the ocean with the wings
tearing apart from the plane and sinking into the ocean. I also saw an initial
“S” and “T” in the vision. The “S’
might represent the South China Sea that the airliner was crossing:
Footnote: I also saw that President Putin will
continue to control the Ukraine and attempt to restore the old "Soviet
Union " by illegally annexing all of the former Soviet satellite countries
Wow what great visions. Please keep us posted as to the disappearance of Flight 370. This is so sad for these families that lost their loved ones on the disappearance of a plane. I'm hoping your prediction that it looks like a test run ( if that's what you're suggesting ) is not true. Ever since 2000 it seems as if we're living in a world that's karmically in a spiritual revolution. I remember you predicting all of this stuff back in 1996 and again in 2004.
ReplyDeleteWow. I'm impressed with what you've seen so far, Cheri. I always thought that psychics just got information whole, not in bits and pieces. What a tough profession you have. Thanks for sharing with us! I really feel for the families of the victims. Do you have any feeling that maybe they just might be still alive? I looked at the passenger manifest online. It seems like a lot more people when you read 239 lines with different names in each line. Tragic.
ReplyDeleteDo you think they will ever find the plane? A guy saw the plane blow up in the air, it might have been a missile and you could be right about your beam of light that might have been a test run for a missile. Yikes!
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed with your grasp of current events and how detail-oriented you are in addition to your primary gift. I'll keep your site bookmarked.
"wow. thanks, Cheri !!"
ReplyDeleteI do feel that they will find the plane in the near future.
ReplyDeleteWhat a burden having visions like these must be. I cannot even imagine withstanding such a sight. You must have a lot of courage just to even look at this, let alone sit with it and then try to piece it together.
ReplyDeleteI'm no psychic but to me, it is terrorism and that could be the 'T' after the 'S' China Sea. The fact that the plane kept flying below the radar seemed purposeful so it was no 'accident' that something was nefariously going on.
I do agree that Putin is going step-by-step to reconstitute the Soviet Union and I also feel that it is Obama's full intention to let this happen but I know you weren't talking about Obama. Who knows what the grand scheme is; I really don't, but I do feel we are in for some really God-awful stuff.
It's not easy but I'm able to do it so I just go with the flow. It's harder to decipher the symbolic meaning of what I see. The Guides sometimes show me things that are foreign to me but I try. I agree that our future in this country is looking dismal but we can only hope that our Government comes to realize that the people are tired of dirty politics
ReplyDeleteI'm concerned at Obama's remark the other day that Putin's actions are not a threat to the U.S. and that he is more concerned with a nuclear bomb going off in Manhattan. I think that if it does, that he has everything to do with this and may be that this will come from the Malaysian plane situation ... He's such a sadistic bastard, that guy (my opinion). Trump and others are angry that he made this remark and that he made New York a bigger target.
ReplyDeleteI hope I can find the show you are going to be on tomorrow. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Cheri, I was just reading this article: from the 'earthquake people'.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like the 'T' you were talking about - might be the Gulf of Thailand.
Hi Reagen
ReplyDeleteI never thought that the plane was in the Indian Ocean. I still think they're going to find it near my original vision on the map. It's so difficult when I see maps in a vision because I see everything in the middle of the night and the maps are confusing since I don't read maps very well.
June 12, 2014
ReplyDeleteOld Predictions made on April 8, 2013 by Cheri that have already happened or happening now
I predict that by the end of 2014 Iraq will once again become a significant safe haven for terrorists. These terrorists will be successful in taking over the Iraqi government and will operate much like the former Libyan Government or like the Assad government in Syria.. All efforts by the US, it allies and Iraqi dissenters to bring democracy to Iraq will have been in vain.
By the end of 2013 the Middle East will have seen more uprisings in Egypt and Libya.
France will see more havoc inside its borders primarily due to terrorist activity instigated by a Middle Eastern terrorist group.
More people will rent their homes rather than buy them as the average American will begin to lose interest in home ownership this year. This will be due to the fact that they have lost their faith in their ability to qualify for a home loan.
Gas prices will be increasing again in the very near future.
Automobile sales will begin a long, slow 2-year decline as we near 2014. More Americans will be forced to rely on mass transportation or other cheaper forms of transportation such as motorcycles, motor scooters and bicycles.
US immigrations policies will come to the forefront as a sore subject for the federal government in general.
We will see more mass murders in the US in 2014.
The world economy will continue to decline as the price of food and housing rises.
More foreign investors will take advantage of the depressed US real estate market which will make it harder for Americans to invest in real estate.
US based businesses will continue to outsource jobs overseas despite the rising number of unemployed American workers.
The cost of Obamacare will continue to rise as 2014 approaches.
The cost of medical insurance will rise significantly, especially for private medical insurance.
Medicare will suffer as Obamacare begins to be implemented.
Beginning in 2014 many doctors will refuse to accept medicare patients altogether, making it increasingly difficult for seniors to get medical care.